An international audience tunes in for Dorothy Strachey’s “Olivia”

First edition of Strachey’s “Olivia”

Our October 13 Another Look Zoom event for Dorothy Strachey’s 1949 novel Olivia was an international success – thanks to all of you! Another Look Director Robert Pogue Harrison moderated the event; Stanford PhD candidate Maria Florence Massucco and National Medal of Arts winner Tobias Wolff rounded out the panel. Others joined the discussion virtually: we had questions from Stanford’s Terry Castle, who moderated the panel for our 2013 event on J.R. Ackerley‘s My Father and Myself event and Hilton Obenzinger, who chaired the discussion of Anita Loos‘s Gentlemen Prefer Blondes the same year. Also commenting virtually: Peter Stansky, who directs the Company of Authors program, and who recently published  Leonard Woolf: Bloomsbury Socialist with Oxford University Press. 

We were joined not only by Another Look aficionados, but also members of the International. Virginia Woolf Society and the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain, as well as other Bloomsbury fans everywhere.

Book lovers around the world logged on for the event, with participants in Brazil, Switzerland, India, Singapore, Indonesia, France, and Malta. Altogether, 348 people registered for the event – a record!

As always, David Schwartz has grabbed some screenshots of the event for you – see below.

The podcast is now up on our website here. And you can view our Zoom video on our Youtube channel here. We’ve also added Youtube videos for our events on Philip Larkin‘s A Girl in Winter, Walter Tevis‘s Queen’s Gambit and Madame de Lafayette‘s Princesse de Clèves. Please spread the word about our Youtube channel here.

Maria Massucco
Tobias Wolff

Robert Pogue Harrison

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